Maca Root

Maca Root

Ancient Superfood costumed by the Incans for it’s sexual healing powers. 

What are the secrets behind maca root?  And can they really help you feel amazing?

Maca the super food that is traditionally know to have sexual healing properties for men and women. Long used by the Incan's (for over 2000 years) traditional folk history suggests maca was used to help with with the mind to help develop clarity of thoughts (like an anti depressant) and help enhance ones sexual drive.

Looking back at the history of Maca having been used around 3800 BC by Peruvian Indians where Maca was used to help prevent and treat osteoporosis. In 1549 AD, Spanish explorer captain De Soto received maca as a gift from Indians. By 1572, maca root was being used as barter by Chinchayochas Indians. By 1843, it was studied by scientist and was given the name of Lepidium meyenni, Walpers after a German botanist Gerhard Walpers.

At super root that grows in a super tough climate: Maca plant is the highest growing plant of the world, often founds to be growing at altitudes of 7000-1100 feet in the mountains of Peru. Maca is reddish like root vegetable which is spherical in form and it belongs to the potato family. Four different types of Maca root are creamy yellow maca, light pink maca, dark purple maca and black maca.

Maca roots contain amino acid, minerals including phosphorous, zinc, magnesium, calcium and iron. Similarly, the vitamins contained in maca roots include C, E, B1, B2, B12.Similarly, it contains carbohydrates and a number of glycosides.

So are there any side effects with Maca? Well it is not known to have many serious known side effects beyond extreme dosages that cause unnecessary imbalances in vitamins and minerals if consumed in excess. Maca is known to help balance hormones and increasing fertility in both males and females. It also traditional know for it’s characteristics of improved sexual function and boost libido.

Is Maca just for men?

Well we have heard of reports that Maca can help in relieving menstrual issues and menopause. It is known to improve women’s general health and mood. Traditionally it was used to decreases anxiety, cramps, depression and body pain. Another use of maca is to increase your energy level. Moreover, it has been known to help increase stamina and is used by many athletes to boost their performance.

Maca is also reported to be used to enhance skin health, helping to clear acne and decrease skin sensitivity, thus makes skin capable of withstanding extreme temperatures.

It’s also be used to aid people suffering from anemia and cardiovascular diseases, due to it’s iron content (2 tea spoons mama powder = 1.5mg iron) and thus helps restoring red blood cells. 2 tea spoons of mac powder contain around 28mg of Vitamin C which helps with healing wounds more quickly and regeneration of  cells, teeth and bones.

It’s sometimes been know to help with mental energy and focus can be increased by use of maca and symptoms of anxiety, mood swings and depression decreases with the use of maca. It is a powerful adaptogen, thus, it helps to raise nonspecific resistance in an organism. It increases strength and energy of poorly nourished bodies by re-mineralizing. It forms compounds which are of great benefit for the body. It regulates the endocrine system containing glands. These glands produce hormones, which are necessary for essential body functions. Maca encourages growth and improve hormone production. Its use decreases the chances of rickets and other bone diseases and its fatty acids improves the body’s immunity system.

Till now, maca has not be shown to be beneficial to treating cancers.

Maca can also be used to relieve pain and it acts as a sedative and analgesic. Similarly, it is used as an anti-aging super food. Being rich in calcium, iron, amino acids and vitamins, it increases energy and bodily functions.

So Is Maca for you?

Well let's summarise the reported benefits of Maca roots, it helps in improving:

  • Women’s hormones, sexual health and fertility.
  • Male’s testosterone level and fertility.
  • Energy memory and mood.
  • Antioxidant booster.
  • Skin healing super powers
  • PMS, menopause and women with Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS)

Maca truly is an ancient super food that we love. It usually come in a  ground powder form and can be used in shakes, health snack bars and many more recipes that will bring you.

At Superfoodswelove, this food trying is a ancient incan super food with super powers.

@Superfoodswelove #EatWellLiveWell

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