Organic Home Made Almond Butter

Home Made Organic Almond Butter

This has to be one of the simplest home made condiments you can make.
At the end of this process you will have rich tasty spread that you can use to replace the traditional peanut butter you buy from the super market.
Here’s what you need to get going:
  1. Blender or food processor
  2. 4 Cups of Organic Almonds
  3. 3-4 Medjool Dates (remove the seeds)
  4. 1 Cinnamon Stick (break into small pieces)
  5. 1/2 tsp Vanilla Essence or a if you have a lavivhbudget go for a Vanilla Pod and scrape the sides of a finger sized portion of a pod
  6. 2 Tablespoons of Virgin Pressed Coconut Oil 
  1. Soak the almond overnight or for 8 hours to rehydrate the almonds
  2. Next day, dump all the above ingredients into the blender
  3. Blender for a minute to break up all the almonds into chunks
  4. Then wait a minute or to as the almond oils start to drip out of the blended almonds
  5. By waiting you’ll find it easier to blender the almonds to a consistency that you will like
  6. Some like it chunkier than others and depending on you just blend until your happy
  7. Poor into a jar and refrigerate
  8. Then chuck on sandwiches or rice crackers as a lovely spread or topping
Kid’s will love this healthy peanut butter replacement. My daughter Alexa loves helping with the making process and eating all residue left on the spoons. Yummy!
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