Goji Berry - Lycium barbarum

Goji Berries (Wolf Berries)

Goji Berries the superfood that is known best for its immune system boasting properties.

What are they?

Goji berries (Lyceum Barbarrum 寧夏枸杞) have a deep history where they have been traditionally used in Chinese and Tibetan Medicine over thousands of years. The majority of the worlds Goji berries are farm in China in Ningxia (寧夏) where the region is famous for having the perfect climate and conditions, with the high altitude and dry soils which for most other fruits they would not survive, but for these berries they thrive and grow into the rich nutrient dense super food that we love. So why is this berry a special berry? Due to it’s high density of vital nutrients, vitamins and anti-oxident and cleansing properties the Chinese have long used this super food ingredient in soups, home cooking and also for medicinal purposes. In traditional Chinese cooking these goji berries are often steamed with chicken or placed into Chinese soups. With either way of serving these nutrients either run into the meats they are steamed with and also the whole berries are consumed as part of the dish or the nutrients run into the water of the soup and the berries are also consumed as part of the serving.

A Great tale of a Man that Ate Goji Berries

So who is the old man to have been documented to have walked this planet? And what was it that he did that lead to him thriving and living longer that any other man know to this day?

By far the most famous consumer of Goji berries was a Professor Li Qing Yuen, who is the oldest longest living person in history having lived for some 252 years. He was a herbalist and it’s been know that he consumed goji berries on a regular basis along with other traditionally used Chinese herbs such as Ginseng.

How can the benefit us?

Traditional beliefs are that Goji berries (sometimes known as wolf berries) carry properties that can protect your eyesight, boast fertility, improve you energy balance, assist with liver detoxing and kidney problems, liver problems, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, eye problems, skin rashes, blood cleansing, psoriasis, depression, allergies, insomnia, chronic liver disease, diabetes and tuberculosis.

There are many claims about the benefits, not all of them may be true, through a mix of scientific testing for the density of anti-oxident properties one such example being Zeaxanthin which helps stops UV damage and also years of historical usage we believe this is one item that goes on our list here are super foods we love.

Some simple ways you can consume these berries and gain the immediate benefits of the Super Food we love:

  1. The simplest way we can consume these berries is to eat them raw like raisins (my daughter Alexa loves eating them).
  2. Soak them in warm water and drink the water and eat the berries
  3. Soak them and sprinkle them onto a salad
  4. Sprinkle them on to a salad without soaking (the density of nutrients is far higher in any dried fruit due to the lack of water)
  5. Put them into a smoothie (follow our Goji smoothie recipe here )


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-Kelvin @superfoodswelove







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