Quick 10 minute recipe on making Home Made Organic Almond milk:

Quick 10 minute recipe on making Home Made Organic Almond milk:

This is a home made recipe on how to make Organic Home Made Almond Milk.
In 10 minutes you’ll be tasting the rich sweet and smooth texture of almond milk. And you will wonder why you ever bought milk from the super market.
Almond milk has many benefits:
  • Helps with weight management as it’s low in calories
  • Supports having a healthier heart as it contains no collateral or saturated fats
  • Strengthens bones as it contains calcium and vitamin D
  • It’s great for skin as it contains Vitamin E
  • Heals muscles as it contains B vitamins that support muscle growth and healing
  • It’s great if you are lactose intolerant
This will produce about 3-4 cups of almond milk.
What you need:
1 x cupful of almonds
2-3 x Medjool dates (pitted)
1X Cinnamon stick
1 x Vanilla bean of 1/2 a tea spoon of vanilla essence
Go organic for all the above to create an organic almond milk. Alternatively you can make this recipe with regular ingredients.
Equipment that you’ll need:
1 x Nut or soup bag  (or sieve - though milk won’t result in as smooth a texture)
1 x Blender (Hand or smoothie blender will be fine)
Pre-paration time 10 minutes (No including soaking time)
  1. Soak the cup of almond in water overnight (ideally for 8 hours). If you in a rush even an hour will do
  2. Pour out the water and put the nuts in to the blender
  3. Add the 2-3 dates
  4. Add cinnamon stick
  5. Add Villa bean or essence
  6. Blend until all the nuts pieces ares smooth (usually takes around 2 minutes) You may find it easier to separate this into two batches if your blender does not have a large capacity
  7. Pour the blended result into a nut bag (if you don’t have one then use a strainer)
  8. Squeeze the nut bag to get every last drop out
  9. Then serve as a refreshing drink to start your date full of nutritious tasty vitamins
  10. Add a pinch of sea salt to taste to bring out a richer flavour
  11. Store in a fridge and consume within 3 days (though you’ll find it’s so tasty that you probably won’t have much left after a day)
For the almond pulp you can dehydrate by placing in an oven on low heat and blend it again to turn it into a flour. Make nuts bars with this. Mix it with freshly blended almond pulp to turn it into almond butter.
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