Acia Berry: 6 Key Benefits You All Should Know

Acai Berries: 6 Key Benefits You All Should Know Boosts Fat Metabolism Good for Weight management and Detox Strengthens your heart: Essential fatty acids like linoleic and oleic acids Which prevent Hyper Tension and Reduce cholesterol Improves Blood Flow as it contains anthocyanin an Antioxidant that Promotes Blood Circulation Health Skin as Rich Vitamin A,C,E Read More …

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Kale 7 Key Benefits You All Should Know 1. Low in calorie high in fibre 2. Rich in Vitamin K Aiding bone health and Blood Clotting 3. Source of Folate which Aids Brain Development in and helps Fight birth defects 4. Best way to consume (Steam It to Increase Bile Binding capabilities in your Gut Read More …

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Maca Strawberry Smoothie

Maca Strawberry Smoothie 5 minutes to whip up a super high nutrition and energy boasting mama smoothie to kick start you day. Or enjoy pre and post workout to replenish the body and regulate energy release. Maca and strawberries are both rich in Vitamin C and loaded with antioxidants which help with reducing free radical damage of your bodies cells and helps with Read More …

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Maca Root

Ancient Superfood costumed by the Incans for it’s sexual healing powers. What are the secrets behind maca root?  And can they really help you feel amazing? Maca the super food that is traditionally know to have sexual healing properties for men and women. Long used by the Incan’s (for over 2000 years) traditional folk history suggests maca was used to help with with the mind to help develop clarity of Read More …

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Home Made Organic Almond Butter

Home Made Organic Almond Butter This has to be one of the simplest home made condiments you can make.   At the end of this process you will have rich tasty spread that you can use to replace the traditional peanut butter you buy from the super market.   Here’s what you need to get going: Read More …

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Goji Berries (Wolfberries)

Goji Berries (Wolf Berries)Goji Berries the superfood that is known best for its immune system boasting properties. What are they? Goji berries (Lyceum Barbarrum 寧夏枸杞) have a deep history where they have been traditionally used in Chinese and Tibetan Medicine over thousands of years. The majority of the worlds Goji berries are farm in China in Read More …

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